Certified rhythm analysis technician (CRAT)


Image of nurse with patient, ecg in th background.

A nursing home requesting the conduction of a trans-telephonic pacemaker check on a facility’s new admission calls a cardiology office. What is the technician’s next step if the medical record indicates that the patient has been followed is not found?

Obtain a prescription for trans-telephonic monitoring from the primary care physician's office.

If the patient claims that his or her demographic information is incorrect. What measures should be taken?

The organizational procedure should be followed, and error must be corrected immediately.

With whom a patient’s health information may be shared (without committing a HIPAA violation), in the absence of a release form?

With the patient’s physician

It is appropriate to contact patient’s family member when _______________

The patient gave permission by signing a HIPAA form.

How does explaining the pending procedures or planned services clearly to the patients, benefit the clinician?

No legal action

Ensuring a properly grounded electrocardiograph reduces the risk of _______________

60-cycle electrical interference

Cardiac chamber that contains most of the muscle mass of the heart is _______________

Left ventricle

In a pediatric cardiology office, after working hours, a monitor technician offers the delivery of event monitor electrode patches that reduce skin irritation to a patient’s home. This an example of

Occupational safety violation

Average wages for related jobs

Cardiovascular technologists and technicians
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
Certified cardiographic technician (CCT)
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics and salaryexpert.com

Certification renewal

According to (Cardiovascular Credentialing International) CCI official website, A credential is active for 9–12 months (First time) and 3 Years (2nd time and onwards) after passing a CCI exam. Need more information? Click below

Recommended books

CCI's official website recommends the following sources to help you prepare for the exam.

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  1. Asirvatham, Samuel J., Friedman, Paul A., and Hayes, David L. Cardiac pacing, defibrillation and resynchronization: a clinical approach. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell
  2. Barold, S. Serge, and Roland X. Stroobandt. Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by Step an Illustrated Guide. 2nd ed. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2010
  3. Dubin, Dale. Rapid Interpretation of EKG’s: an interactive course. 6th ed. Tampa, Fla.: Cover Pub. Co., 2000.
  4. Kenny, Tom. The nuts and bolts of cardiac pacing. 2nd ed. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Futura, 2008.
  5. Wesley, Keith. Pocket Guide to Huszer’s Basic Dysrhythmias and Acute Coronary Syndromes: Interpretation & Management. Mosby Jems Elsevier.
  6. Booth, Kathryn A., and Thomas E. O’Brien. Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  7. Woods, Stephanie L. and Karen S. Ehrat. The Art of EKG Interpretation: a Self-Instructional Text. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Pub Co.
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