Renewal information

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Renewal information

According to Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI)'s official website, the credential gained by passing a CCI exam is active for 9–12 months. As a new registrant (credential holder), there are two types of renewal with CCI: first renewal and second/first triennial renewal.

First renewal

The new registrants have to pay their first renewal before the first day of the quarter the credential was gained the following year. For instance, for those who earned their credential between April 1st and June 30th, your first renewal would be due on or before March 31st of the following year. Credentials are renewed every three years after completing the first renewal, as noted on your initial wallet card. There are no continuing education unit (CEU) requirements for the first renewal other than the submission of renewal fee (currently $165.00 USD), and a signature of compliance to the Code of Ethics.

Second renewal/first triennial renewal

Credential holders must meet the following requirements to maintain active credentials with CCI:

  • The submission of triennial renewal fees (currently $165.00 USD)
  • The signature of compliance with the CCI Code of Ethics
  • Completing (CEUs) every three years

CEUs required

  • For Certificate-Level Registrants (CCT and CRAT), the total number of CEUs required in a triennial cycle is 16.
  • For Advanced-Level Registrants (ACS) and Registry-Level Registrants (CES, RCIS, RCS, RCCS, RPhS, and RVS) the number of CEUs required for triennial credential maintenance is 36. Of these, at least 30 must be cardiovascular-related. The remaining CEUs can be on any topic as long as it is from an approved provider.

Wallet cards

Wallet cards are given to successful registrants and expire on the date of the first renewal. After renewal, credential holders receive a new wallet card.

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Average wages for related jobs

Cardiovascular technologists and technicians
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
Certified cardiographic technician (CCT)
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics and
When credential is earned First renewal end date Second renewal cycle (when CEUs are due)
January 1 to March 31, current year December 31, current year December 31, three years after the first renewal
April 1 to June 30, current year March 31, following year March 31, three years after the first renewal
July 1 to September 30, current year June 30, following year June 30, three years after the first renewal
October 1 to December 31, current year September 30, following year September 30, three years after the first renewal

Recommended books

CCI's official website recommends the following sources to help you prepare for the exam.

  1. Shier, David, Jackie Butler, and Ricki Lewis. Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Free eBook
  2. Dubin, Dale. Rapid interpretation of EKG’s: an interactive course. 6th ed. Tampa, Fla.: Cover Pub. Co., 2000. Free eBook
  3. Booth, Kathryn A., and Thomas E. O’Brien. Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  4. Wagner, Galen S., and Henry J. L. Marriott. Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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